One Stop Solution For Algorithmic Trading
Quantomation is the best software platform to execute algorithmic trades in indian markets.Automate and execute your own strategies using our platform or follow our algorithms.

Risk Management System
Time Management
✔ Trade start-time,stop-time and AutoSquareoff time.
Money Management
✔ Autosquareoff at Max Profit,Max Loss per scrip.
Risk Management
✔ Max Open positons,Max trades/day, Max orders/day.

Need For Speed
Quantomation software deftly processes market data from industry's leading vendors and sources. Handles billions of data points on a robust trading infrastructure.

No VPS Needed
Don't need to spend money on VPS as the entire platform is built on cloud.

Ultra fast Execution
Trades will get executed in milliseconds.Our systems are calibrated to ensure a friction less experience in every interaction with you.
Explore Our Algobridge platform features

Options Trading
Convert your trades in spot market to option contracts automatically with our options watchlist.

Trade across platforms
Trade across multiple platforms like Amibroker,Tradingview,Chartink.

Risk Management
Get a plethora of risk management tools that are built into the platform.

A Satisfied customer is theBest business strats

Why trade with Quantomation Algorithms?
Without Quantomation, imagine building, training, back-testing, optimising and deploying algorithmic trading strategies, which is a nearly impossible task. With Quantomation, we execute a suite of algorithmic trading strategies on your behalf, 24/7.
Benefits of Quantomation platform
Test your trading strategies for free with unlimited paper trading for lifetime access.
Remove emotions while trading with systematic trading execution.
Minimise human errors like wrong execution of order price or sending order in wrong scrips.
Trade in multiple segments like Equity,Futures and Options and diversify your trading.

Number Speaks Louder Than Words